Banner saga dredge baby save
Banner saga dredge baby save

banner saga dredge baby save

The original game started in media res and you were some way into the game before things started making sense, but The Banner Saga 2 is a bit more welcoming in that it sets up the plot and actually resorts to helpful exposition on occasion. You pick up some new characters along the way and their perspective, helped by a handy "Previously on The Banner Saga" intro, quickly gets everyone up to speed on the plot. The game opens with your caravan escaping downriver by boat. The grand caravan has destroyed the dredge Sundr, Bellower, but is still having to flee westwards. The Banner Saga 2 picks up days after the end of the previous game. It also had a punishingly hard ending, although this was fixed with some post-release patches. It was, however, let down by repetitive, grindy combat and a questionable decision to combine experience points (for levelling characters) and money (for buying supplies and equipment) into the same mechanic, dramatically limiting your ability to progress through the game.

banner saga dredge baby save

Using an art style reminiscent of mid-20th Century Disney animated films and excellent, turn-based combat married to Battlestar Galactica-style story of people on the run and having to deal with moral complexities along the way, it was an excellent, original game.

banner saga dredge baby save

Released in early 2014, The Banner Saga was a remarkable game.

Banner saga dredge baby save